Redwing Art Club
A FREE Lending Program for Paintings and Drawings by Judith Bair
After returning from my latest exhibit, "Written in Stone," (October 2021) with 25 paintings, to a home already crammed with paintings from a 35-year career, stacked blindly, collecting dust, I HAD A BRAINSTORM.
Why not make some of these paintings available to the family and friends who have shown an interest, purchased and/or been most supportive of my work. That way, I'd make some room in my studio for more work; the art would be seen, maybe discussed, hopefully appreciated; it would keep me in touch with the people I care most about, and give me a project for the next stage. It is one of the few ways I can return the generosity of those who have been most generous to me.
So I thought of a member-based "club," limited initially to 20 members, whose participants would have access to a selected group of paintings and drawings to borrow on a temporary basis free of charge.
HOW? First, no obligation to borrow or buy. Members would have, initially, 60 works to choose from, in a variety of sizes, value, and content. First come, first served. A waiting list would be created if necessary. One piece would be delivered for a six month period. After six months, the piece would be returned, exchanged or purchased (NO obligation). Paintings and drawings will be added as they are created or replaced as necessary.
WHY? Not every painting needs to be a "keeper" to be appreciated, but paintings should be seen and reacted to. This would be a way for club members to experiment with subject matter, size, color, impact; to try something new, to surprise themselves (or just to fill up a space until the perfect "thing" came along.)
The Fine Print
The first 20 "charter" members would pay $25.00 annually. The "dues" would help defray costs of maintaining the website, record-keeping, and delivery/pick up of the work. Memberships may be cancelled at any time without obligation, pending return of any artwork on loan. Additional members would have to be sponsored by a charter member, and would pay $50.00 annually.
Each loan will be accompanied by a contract specifying the work borrowed, any fees, loan period, and delivery/return information.
Purchase. Work may be purchased at any time during a loan period with an automatic 20% reduction of the retail price. Individual payment plans are available. Let me stress: no obligation!
For now, the easiest way is e-mail, through the website or directly to It will be my job to keep track of communications, requests, payments, reminders. Of course we'll talk by phone, but the e-mails can be archived for future reference.